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Mr. Hromadka goes to Redmond

Mon Sep 10, 2001 - 12:39 AM EDT - By James Hromadka

Parting Thoughts

My future bathroomOverall I had a good time at the conference. Microsoft took care of everyone, as you can see from the swanky bathroom of my hotel room at the Bellevue Club. Palm and Handspring would do well to do this periodically so they can get better feedback for future products. There was nothing that I told Microsoft that I have not said before -- the Palm OS needs a major update, and it needs it now. Simplicity isn't the only thing people want anymore. I'm not asking for Terminal Services Client for the Palm, but things such as an improved address book and basic OS functionality like time zones is needed for enterprise customers. It's also the little things, like a high-res color screen that works outside and a serious email client that are needed. Palm and Handspring need to do these things to continue to stay ahead of Microsoft.

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