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A Thousand Pixels of Light

Mon Feb 26, 2001 - 10:12 AM EST - By Alan Graham

Final Thoughts

I know things look bad and I am suffering too! I won't be buying a new Porsche this year (or any year for that matter). I may joke, but things are actually very good. The Internet is just going though a tough pruning stage that had to happen. It will be good for all of us in the long run. We all need to get up from the computer anyway and take a nice long stretch, watch a sunrise, meet our kids for the first time.

Until the PC evolves to it's next phase, we need to focus on converging the technology we have now and leveraging it into a better computing experience for all. That means we need to work harder with the handheld platform to bring it closer together with the PC. We need to continue to make useful handheld software and hardware that lends value to our lives. We should take pride in our accomplishments. The only reason we should be walking with our heads down is because there is a Visor in our hands. Let's embrace our brothers and sisters from the dot-com world and work together to make something really great.

Hey, we've got work to do, why are you sitting there browsing?

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